Friday, June 27, 2008

Coffee, Planes, Sleep and Bad Airport Food

So this flash in the pan trip has started...

Boom 5am rolls around, I make sure to drink a lot, let me repeat a lot of coffee. Make sure I didn't forget anything, like a jacket or my pedals or toothbrush...

The verdict is still out on that since I still here in the airport.

I get to the MCO and find out that apparently to fly you must slice your left or right nut off to get any bags on the plane. I can carry two on, but I can only check one? Great plan airlines! Made it through security in a breeze and move on to a morning of emails and work until I had to board.

Flight One: (MCO to Philly)

I was awake long enough to get my free drink, pee and give my empty glass back...

Great flight, bad landing

I got off and had to stretch the legs, walked around the philly port, grabbed a $10 chicken salad and then made my way into a 45min short flight.

I cashed in some karma points by letting some guy have my seat so he could sit with his wife and then proceeded to past out as we started to taxi.

I woke up just in time to see the bays of Providence... Looked awesome from the plane.

So now I check my email and was not quite sure when I am racing, but just got email confirmation that TOMORROW is the first day, not sure if that is the NRC race or if its the next day, but should prove fun after being in a plane all day. Also waiting for the Colavita bus to get into town... Could be a long day.

Keep checking back all week I will have great stories and reports from the whole race week.

I am new to this, so if it sucks you are just going to have to surf or something else...


Tom Bargnesi said...

Good luck, Bro! Looking forward to reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, G!!!

xman said...

Good luck GW


CatOneCoach said...

Good luck Sir Whiteness!


Unknown said...

Where's today's installment. Looking forward to the updates. Good luck.

TD_CBCS said...

Good luck!